Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Have I got noose for you...

Did I say that they couldn’t begin work on the floor until the ceiling had been finished? Well, it seems they can and they have! While one team are working in one half of the auditorium and up on high, another team are taking apart the old raked floor in the other half – and quickly filling up the enormous skip outside the workshop.

Most of us are aware of the spooky stories surrounding The Playhouse but a new twist was added yesterday when this noose fell out of the ceiling when one of the panels was being removed. Covered in dust, it had obviously been up in the roof space for a very long time and is tied with an extremely good hangman’s knot! Presumably a long-lost prop from one of our earliest shows, or used in some way in the construction of the roof? Answers on a postcard please.

And speaking of spooky stories, I am trying to verify the facts, but Admiral Nelson’s right hand man may well have committed suicide in our baths…


caroline01242 said...

paul - thank you so much for what you are doing here - it is great to be kept up-to-date esp as we cannot gather in the greenroom for a while - you are doing sterling work dahling - big hugs xoxoxoxo

The Wouldbegood said...
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The Wouldbegood said...

This blog is great Paul - and very exciting news about the noose! We need to get a clairvoyant in to see if it has any stories to tell. (Perhaps I should not put this thought in the public eye: give a girl enough rope...)

Well done to everyone for their hard work, looking forward to coming back to the building site on Saturday.