Thursday, 1 May 2008

Behind the door...

Most people, unless they were really observant, have probably never noticed the door at the very back of the auditorium. You could just see the very top of it, poking out above the backs of the seats in Row R, and we do have an old photograph of the swimming pool clearing showing said door. I’d always assumed it was just a cupboard, as there was obviously nowhere for it to lead to. Today, with the final piece of raking removed from the rear of the auditorium, we were able to open the door and discover the fascinating truth.

It’s a shower and in incredible condition – even the showerhead and tap are still there! There’s a small ledge seat and the tiling appears to match those in the pool, so one assumes this is an original feature from the 1898 incarnation of the building. It’s possible some of the longest-serving (I nearly said older) members who were around when the raking was installed remember this feature but most of us were unaware of its existence.
Ironically, a shower is something most of the performers here have always wanted. This area will be protected and incorporated into the small store that is being created behind the new corridor linking the foyer to the lounge bar, as opposed to being covered up and never seen again.

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