Yesterday, yours truly and Andy Powell, the managing director of Spacetailors, the principal contractors for the project, had to wear hard hats and fluorescent jackets to enter the auditorium and have pictures taken in and around the pool for use in the Echo over the next few days. In addition to stills, the photographer took some live film which may end up on the Echo website to allow you to take a guided tour of the place. Keep your eyes on the paper and on
There is a bottle of wine on offer to the person who gets closest to the correct answer or two bottles if they manage to guess it spot on. Answers should be emailed by 8pm on Tuesday 27 May to and the winner will be announced here on Wednesday morning, which - due to the bank holiday weekend - will be the first posting next week.
And for those of you concerned about the times some of these entries seem to be posted at, I don't really live down here, or think about the theatre in the middle of the night - unless there is very heavy rain or I have nightmares about a certain musical production from 2006. I just haven't found out how to make this package work in 'proper' time yet!
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