Thursday, 4 March 2010

Blogs and Facebooks

Dear Readers (if there are still any of you out there, as I haven't exactly been blogging much of late)

As more and more people use social networking sites - and this includes a huge number of theatre members - we are going to be setting up a new official Playhouse Facebook page over the next week or so. There has been a basic page there for some time, created by Sarah Roberts, but as the popularity of Facebook has grown it makes sense for us to have a more official presence which will allow us to advertise shows, accept reviews from the public, and generally reach people quickly and easily.

I am currently considering the options regarding this blog. There is no point posting for the sake of posting and if posts aren't made it becomes pointless and obsolete. However, it, too, has proved a useful tool beyond its original intention - a running commentary on the refurbishment - as one posting (the one about the lost shoes) was even referred to in The Stage and others occasionally stirred up some interesting and useful opinions. Some people even said they "enjoyed it" (but then actors are a strange lot).

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