Wednesday, 27 August 2008

King of Spain's Daughter...

It’s all kids at The Playhouse at the moment. Last week, CCTA celebrated their 50th anniversary and I believe there may be some photos in the Echo’s Weekend supplement this Saturday of the former members meeting the current members (this on top of the Central News piece broadcast at various times last Friday and an honourable mention in The Stage newspaper). This week, Theatre Studio are hosting their annual summer school, with over 100 young people working to stage FIVE different productions this coming Saturday.

We’ve also just arranged for a visit this October from The King of Spain’s Daughter. Not real royalty, of course, but the title of a 'theatrical entertainment' from the Fabulous Old Spot Theatre Company, a professional touring troupe based in our own county. Old Spot have a fantastic style all their own, involving music, masks, high drama, low farce and jokes for the kids the adults won’t get (and vice versa). We’re very pleased to be hosting this show for just one night only on Thursday 23 October and tickets go on sale from tomorrow. Further details will be found on our main website and in our forthcoming brochure, which goes to print at the end of this week.

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