Monday, 20 April 2009

Pilates at The Playhouse

Someone once said that The Playhouse could become 'a village hall for the town centre' through community use of our facilities for meetings and classes that are not necessarily arts related. Generally, due to rehearsals, we are only able to hire rooms out during the day and while we do already have a limited number of classes, they tend to have an artistic element to them - acting, irish dance, tap dance - even if there is no actual public performance involved.

We are pleased to announce, therefore, that this summer The Playhouse will be home to some daytime PILATES CLASSES under the instruction of Jan Rowsell. Jan, who is a member of the Body Control Pilates Association (BCPA), will be holding two hour-long classes each Thursday, for a course of six sessions. The classes commence on Thursday 4 June and you can sign up for either 10.30 am - 11.30 am or 11.30 am - 12.30 pm.

Body control pilates exercises are good for stress relief, relaxation, strengthening, toning and improving stamina and co-ordination and the complete six-week term will cost £54. There is a maximum number of 12 people per class, so it is important to register your place with Jan on 07765 244761 as soon as possible. If these classes prove popular, it may be that we add additional classes on other days and at other times.

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