Anyone who has rehearsed a musical here in recent years has been well aware that some of our pianos have, to put it mildly, been past their prime for quite some time, while one was wrecked in the floods last year. There is good news on this front, as we have recently taken delivery of a brand new upright piano for the dungeon and an electronic piano for the auditorium. The latter does all sorts of weird and wonderful things and will be kept under lock and key unless required for a production.
Two of our busiest members, Keith Swinford and Sally Norman, tied the knot on Saturday 2 August. A large circle of friends were present at the evening celebration, causing someone to remark that if a bomb had been dropped on the hall in question, amateur dramatics in Cheltenham would probably cease to be! We all wish Keith and Sally our heartiest congratulations and look forward to seeing them on their return from honeymoon.
Three of our autumn shows - The Gut Girls, Epsom Downs and The Sorcerer – all of which will be on the main stage in November, have now been successfully cast. Epsom Downs, in particular, saw a very high turnout of people and even with a large cast required director Steven Rayworth had to turn down over a third of those who auditioned. The next show up for audition will be Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard, possibly in a brand new translation, although one role has already been filled. Meet Phoebe, who will be playing the part of ‘governess’s dog’.
Two of our busiest members, Keith Swinford and Sally Norman, tied the knot on Saturday 2 August. A large circle of friends were present at the evening celebration, causing someone to remark that if a bomb had been dropped on the hall in question, amateur dramatics in Cheltenham would probably cease to be! We all wish Keith and Sally our heartiest congratulations and look forward to seeing them on their return from honeymoon.

Both Epsom Downs and The Gut Girls are about to go into rehearsal here, which means that the green room will be open with a bit more frequency than of late. However, we are not quite back to six-days a week operation and will be closed during August on the following days: Thursday 7, Saturday 9, Monday 11, Thursday 14, Saturday 16, Thursday 28 and Friday 29. Don’t forget that you can add your name to the bar rota, or check which night you are ‘on’ by visiting the theatre website, which webmaster John Roberts has recently redesigned. It’s at the same address, or you can simply click on the link at the top right corner of this blog.
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