Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Reopen and then go quiet?

Just because there are no shows in the auditorium for a month does not mean there is nothing going on at The Playhouse. The green room bar will be open on those nights when readings and auditions are taking place (see previous posting) and the contractors are going through the snagging list – those small tweaks that need making as we get used to the new layout and facilities in both new areas of the building.

With school holidays now underway, CCTA have started rehearsals during the day for their production of Beauty & The Beast (19-23 August). CCTA – the convenient acronym for Cheltenham Children’s Theatre Association – was founded by members of The Playhouse 50 years ago, and a production has been staged here every summer since then. Even when the auditorium was out of bounds due to the collapsing foyer, the show still went ahead in the green room!

All members of CCTA have to be aged 18 or under and they handle every aspect of the production – acting, directing, lighting and set building. Many members have gone on to become performers in the various ‘adult’ companies here and, occasionally, into the professional theatre industry.

We are very proud to have formed this company - which we believe is still the only company of its kind in the UK – and with this being its Golden Anniversary Production, we would love to have as many ex-members attend the performance on Friday 22 August and meet up with old friends in the green room afterwards. Tickets are on sale from the box office now priced £7 for adults with concessions at £5 for all performances.

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

Green room and auditions...

You're impatient to see what we've made of the green room. I know this because I've had several emails from people demanding photos. Several people had a first glimpse last night at the official reopening and the general impression was, as with the theatre, gobsmacked. John Morgan thought it was like a hotel lobby! Certainly it is now a lighter, larger and more user-friendly space and we plan to try and make far greater use of it in the coming months with poetry slams, live music etc. There are still one or two tweaks to be made to get the bar fully up and running, but basically The Playhouse is back and better than it has ever been.

The companies are now gearing up for their autumn productions and there are a number of readings and auditions coming up for those eager to tread the boards in the new auditorium.
EPSOM DOWNS is to be presented by Deep End Theatre Co this November, directed by Steven Rayworth. There have already been two readings, so the auditions will be held on Tuesday 22 and Wednesday 23 July.
THE GUT GIRLS is to be staged by Playhouse Company, also this November, directed by Dave Wheeler. There will be a reading on Thursday 24 July with auditions the following Wednesday 30 July.
THE CHERRY ORCHARD is Deep End's production for March 2009, but director Steve Evans wants to cast early so he knows the line-up is in place. There will be a reading on Thursday 4 September with auditions on Monday 8 and Thursday 11 September.
ALICE IN A NON-PC WORLD is this year's pantomime for childish grown-ups presented by Friends Theatre Co this December. Caroline Young is directing and the reading will be held on Wednesday 17 September. Auditions will follow on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 September.

Friday, 4 July 2008

Sneak preview...

While the auditorium is receiving a few visitors and winning rave reviews (let’s hope that all our future productions will match the quality of the venue), work is progressing over in the green room. Although we won’t actually be able to install the platform lift until next month, the photo left shows that the opening has already been made through to the dungeon where the spirit cupboard used to be.

At the opposite end to this opening, and in front of the bottle store, a new partition wall has sprung up and is already plastered (how appropriate). The bar – which arrived on site yesterday – complete with optics, will be on the face of this wall as you look at it, while the glasswasher will be the other side. The bar counter goes in the opening at the very forefront of the picture. The bar area itself is smaller than it was, but the layout will mean that things are much closer to hand.

This third photo, looking from the new bar across towards the stage and dressing room corridor, gives you an idea of how much bigger and more open the green room itself will be now that the central pillar has been removed.

The Echo spent quite a bit of time here yesterday interviewing me and taking copious photos and hopefully there will be a decent splash in either tomorrow or Monday’s editions. As usual, lots of silly poses requested of yours truly and I will no doubt look full of cold (which I am, sniff). As reported earlier, I’m off for a few days’ rest. Mary is manning the fort and so please keep her busy by booking lots of tickets for The Good Doctor. It would be lovely to have a sell out so soon after reopening!